Reasonable price quote for Invisalign. Treatment finished. Looked fine. Gave me a retainer. I thought that's all. Great. Got emails to return. Turns out he wanted me to BUY FOUR retainers a year @ a cost of $475--that was a savings because of ordering 4 at a time. EVERY YEAR. (something about hygiene and fact that they would "deform" over time! I don't THINK so.) I assumed the RETAINER was included in the price quote. What point straightening your teeth unless you plan to KEEP them that way? Of course you do. And of course that is part of straightening your teeth. So ASK first when you get a quote for straightening misaligned teeth how much he is going to charge you for KEEPING them that way!!! Done in 2012. They looked perfect. Still do. But I am NOT paying $475 a year. (For LIFE? C'mon.) He should quote the price for his entire course of treatment.