I had two old fillings taken out, two new fillings done, and a crown placed. 3 out of four of the fillings were done in silver when they were supossed to be done in white resin, the only one that was done in white fell out after 2 weeks, and the crown didn't fit correctly and had to be sent back to the lab. On top of all that I have never been in more pain in my life. I have been back 3 times to have the fillings filed down for high points, he didn't believe me when I told him I thought I had an infection. When he redid the fillings in white, he collaped one of my molers because it was infected! now I need a root canal and a crown on that, he sent me home without a script for pain killers or an antiobiotic. He also refused to refund me for the filling that fell out. He will NOT be doing my root canal or new crown.