I am extremely scared of needles and dental work, and while I keep my teeth clean and as healthy as possible, I hadn't seen a dentist in 6 years before Dr. Blende. He is EXCELLENT. Very gentle and personable, his staff is amazing - they will make you feel as though you are an old friend or family. They were very understanding about my fear and anxiety - none of my friends' dentists were as understanding, which is why I've avoided going for so long.
I recommend the Blende Dental Group to anyone with any specials needs like dental phobia or health problems as specialize in treating patients under I.V. sedation or in the hospital. *Normal* patients without any special needs come here also though because of Dr. Blende's excellent cosmetic work.
This is a very elite practice. While fees are a little higher than *general regular* dentists, this is not *general regular* dentistry that you are receiving. The Blende Dental Group is worth every penny.