Dr. Watson is now on SE 45th and Hawthorne replacing Dr. Murphy. In the past 4 years that I went to that office, my experience with Dr. Murphy was pretty limited. It was his super-friendly, extremely gentle and really nice hygenist who did all of the work. After the arrival of Dr. Watson, the nice hygenist left (or was let go) and my last experience was with a hygenist who was not at all gentle, never apologized when she knew she was being a little rough and I have recently had an argument over a bill for x-rays that my insurance would have covered had they waited 2 more months to do them. I don't know about Watson himself, but seems like customer service has gone waaay downhill and I am most unhappy. Hence, I am departing from the dentist to find a new one! I doubt Ill be the only one at the rate they are going.