Read review posted by Smiling Patient on April 9, 2012, 9:49 p.m. for Dr. Jason Pehling - Dentist

Dr. Jason Pehling DDS - Dentist

1.0 based on 1 reviews

Rating out of 5 stars

Bainbridge Island, WA

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Review by Stars: 1.0 on Link
Worst customer service I have ever had. Called to ask questions about an appointment and was treated like a burden because it was an IME appointment for L&I. Office manager hung up on me several times, refused to leave a message for the doctor, and had another employee answer the phone. It doesn't matter how good a doctor is if you are treated terribly by not only staff, but the team that runs your business. I will not trust the next sixty years of my jaw health to people that cannot handle conflict that they inflict. I
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