Read Reviews for Dr. Douglas Gorin
Unbelievable doctor. very caring, helpful and I cried when he retired.
About Front Desk: helpful
Front desk:
Hygiene rating:
Hygiene time: 1 hour
I know this doctor: 20 years
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I was extremely disappointed in the service and lack of professional courtesy.
The office called at 7:59 a.m. (exactly) to cancel my 8:00 a.m. teeth cleaning appointment because the hygenist called in sick. I had arranged my work travel schedule to accomodate this visit and was already standing in front of the building when they called.
How can they not have a back-up person available to clean teeth? Couldn't Dr. Gorin do it himself?
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Doctor Gorin is great. His office staff... not so much. These seem like the most unhappy people I've ever met.
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Very pleasant and professional. Takes his time and is very conscientious. Periodontics isn't cheap, but good perio is worth it. Both my wife and I have had very good experience. His operation is a pay now and let insurance pay you, but you get all necessary paperwork - even the envelope. Offices are new and beautiful.
I know this doctor: 2
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