Read Reviews for Dr. Sean Yockus
He made me smile again!!!! Fantastic touch. He really knows how to sooth the pain away when needed. Extrememly gentle. I didn't even know I had oral done. Very knowledgable. I would take my kids to my grandparents if needed. And I should know...I am also a doctor.
Dr. Love
I know this doctor: 20 years
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Great doctor and did very well with pain managment. Instead of sticking you a bunch of times right away, started with one and let sit. When he came back to do the rest I couldnt feel a thing. I dont understand why all dentists and prosthodontists dont use this technique. Highly recommended!
I know this doctor: 6 months
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Excellent, he was very gentle, explained every procedure to me before he work. Love his gentleness and caring.
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