Read Reviews for Dr. Ali Attaie
We had taken out 7 year old daughter with toothache to 2 other pediatric dentists. The first recomended us to a hospital. The second offered to treat our daughter under anesthesia only with a +$3000 treatment plan at their office and they did not take our insurance.
We were lucky to find Dr. Attaie who has now been treating our daughter at his office. He was excellent in calming our daughter down and has successfully treated her in his office with the laughing gass. We highly recommned him and have been super happy to have found him!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I had taken my child to three other pediatric dentists for extraction of her two front baby teeth which had refused to fall out on their own and no one was able to deal with my 7 year old daughters extereme fear of dentists. Dr. Attaie was very professional and took his time with me and my husband before hand and magically obtained full cooperation from my daughter.
He is just great!!!!
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