Read Reviews for Dr. David Bangsberg
The customer services is not necessarily bad as all seem pleasant, but they seem incapable of keeping track of appointments.
I strongly suggest that if you make an appointment with the Lloyd Center Gentle Dental you call ahead, maybe two or three times, to confirm that you have an appointment... even if you have the card in your hand that states that you have an appointment... it could mean little, or nothing.
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I entered "Gentle Dental" with an abscessed tooth and a great deal of pain -- however, still functioning and driving. Over the counter pain relief was doing the trick keeping pain at bay.
I left "Gentle Dental" shaking so bad I could hardly stand, the pain was to the point of being in tears with stifled sobs. I made it to the parking lot before sitting down on the pavement and falling apart.
This dentist chose to dig around cleaning the gum area of the abscessed tooth, knowing that the pain-shots/numbing shots just weren't keeping the pain at bay and that the level of pain he was inflicting was very intense. Why he didn't decide to deal with the infection first, then have a go at cleaning the tooth... I've no idea.
I've sustained some serious injuries in my life, and a couple of times treatment options had to wait till I could get myself back to civilization. This was some of the worse pain and treatment I've ever experienced. I did call and complain when could function again. Told them that at least remove the 'Gentle Dental' sign as surely they were confused to its meaning. I do not recommend this place unless you have some sadistic desire to experience intense pain. Shades of Little Shop of Horrors.
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