Read Reviews for Dr. Gary Griffin
Dr, Griffin has cared for my teeth for the last 35 years. He is one really good dentist. I would not have it any other way, I would not trust another dentist with my teeth. I am 62 years old and have all of my teeth thanks to Dr. Griffin. He is very professional, very caring while working on my teeth, always ask if your feeling any pain. Will not do any work not needed. At one time I changed dentist only to go back to Dr. Griffin. Other dentist are too fast, charge a lot and do not know there client. Dr. Griffin knows who I am and I have no fear when a pain shot is needed or when he works on my teeth . I would highly recommend anyone looking for a new dentist, please contact his office for an appointment. I trust him with my teeth. I am happy I have a good dentist who see after the client. He is the best dentist in Sacramento.
About Front Desk: Font desk, very helpful and took care of you right away. Very professional.
Front desk:
About Hygienist: The best, Dr. Griffin checks my teeth twice a year for cleaning.
Hygiene time: Cleaning took about 45 minutes.
I know this doctor: 35 to 40 years
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Smiling Patient
Dr. Gary Griffin
on Dec. 26, 2017, 10:56 a.m.
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Nice. Thorough. Does not try to upcharge or add procedures that you don't need.
I know this doctor: 1 year
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Very good. As liitle pain as possible. Appointment right on time. Explains things to you. Doesn't rush through your dental work to get to the next patient. Patient friendly. He listens to you. His father was also a dentist. The best part is his concern for any pain you might be feeling. The best experience I have ever had with a dentist. I was in his office Dec.2, 2008.
About Hygienist: Very friendly and helpful. Pleasant.
I know this doctor: 10 years
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Agree 2
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