Read Reviews for Dr. Haider Alzubaidi
Smiling Patient
Dr. Haider Alzubaidi
on July 25, 2017, 10:01 p.m.
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Dr. zubaidi was amazing and was able to put all my fears at ease. I felt no pain during the procedure and it was clear he is very skilled at his job. He was quick an thorough with his work and explained everything to me from the x-rays, procedure, and follow up. I would definitely visit this Dr again and only wish he did other work besides endodontics. Thank you!
About Front Desk: warm greeting and signed in quickly
Front desk:
Hygiene rating:
About Hygienist: very friendly and helpful
Hygiene time: 20
My Experience: Root Canal
Duration: 1 hr
I know this doctor: 6 months
Agree 1
Disagree 0
Agree 1
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Dr. Alzubaidi performed my root canal and was amazing and was able to put all my fears at ease. I felt no pain during the procedure and it was clear he is very skilled at his job. He was quick an thorough with his work and explained everything to me from the x-rays, procedure, and follow up. I would definitely visit this Dr again and only wish he did other work besides endodontics. Thank you!
I know this doctor: 2 months
Agree 1
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Agree 1
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