Read Reviews for Dr. Ramesh Kare
Great docotor helped right is amazing staff is really kind
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Dr. Kare is a very thoughtful and kind man. My problem is that my bite is misaligned and the only procedure available to correct it fully is beyond my budget. Dr. Kare is thorough, he will not recommend a minor fix to keep you going for a year. He looks at the long range view and suggests a thorough correction. Sadly, I have crowns that are only 2 years old that apparently have decay under them so the best recommendation to address this is a full replacement of all my crowns to get any decay out from under them. While I was offered alternatives they would not fully fix my problems. And so while I feel Dr. Kare is a great dentist, insurance, if I had it, would only cover about 2 percent of the cost of the overall repairs, and with new crowns decay could still continue underneath the new crowns. So since I cannot possibly afford it I will continue to hope he will work with me to repair things minimally but in long run, it may cost me more but I can not go bankrupt to fix my teeth this year. No other dentist had ever poiinted out my overall dental situation and recommended a decent solution. A cosmetic dentist recommended something far worse, liinking 8 upper crowns in an 8 tooth bridge-now that was nuts-this Dr. is a professor also.
About Hygienist: Hygienest was good but not particularly thorough. SHe knew I had pain from the cavitron so tried to be gentle but in process may have eased off on thoroughness of cleaning.-not really sure but i think I have had better cleanings- reserve my opinion for another cleaning.
I know this doctor: 3 MONTHS
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I was recommended to Dr. Kare after 3 failed attempts from a lab creating my front lower bridge. The bridges were not natural and anyone could tell I had fake teeth. I was distraught. Dr. Kare knew immediately what needed to be done. I can't say enough about Dr Kare and his expertise. Anyone wanting a natural smile needs to go to Dr Kare.
I know this doctor: 5 months
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Awesome dentist and a thorough professional! I had a wisdom tooth problem and Dr. Kare took care of it right away.
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