Read Reviews for Dr. Todd Mendenhall
I'm not a dental visit fan...But, Dr Todd Mendenhall Seemed to turn that around, for the better.. He replaced 2 crowns that were cracking.. 11 years no issues.. He then added two others that completed my smile...Improved my image 200%. He recently pulled a procrastinated wisdom tooth..The reason it was procrastinated...was the process from the prior dentist (NOT dr mendenhall) .. I was amazed at how quick and easy he preformed this...I can't tell you how smooth this went... Total professional. Excellent technique!
About Front Desk: total professionals in every aspect of the visit..
Hygiene rating:
About Hygienist: A class operation all around
Hygiene time: 40
My Experience: Crown
Duration: 1 hr
I know this doctor: 14, 5,,11
Agree 0
Disagree 1
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Disagree 1