Connect with Dr. Paul Carlson DDS Columbia Family Dental CTR Dentist in West Columbia, SC

Dr. Paul Carlson DDS Columbia Family Dental CTR - Dentist

2.0 based on 1 reviews

1 Rating out of 5 stars

(803) 791-4398

West Columbia, SC

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Dr. Paul Carlson Rating 2.0 stars based on 1 reviews $$$
Modest Facilities
Poor Service
Stressful Procedures
Poor Results
Expensive Cost
Read Reviews for Dr. Paul Carlson
Review 1 by Stars: 2.0 on Link
I had some pretty involved dental work done (extractions, root canals, etc.) His hygienist and assistants were real nice and competent but Dr. Carlson's chairside manner and attitude leaves ALOT to be desired. He was good about pain management and his work seemed to be o.k., however, he has a receptionist that is horrible and makes you want to leave as soon as you get there. If you don't she sure makes you never want to come back. Her attitude is as bad or worse than his. He's arrogant and she's just rude, mean and imcompetent. I got fed up and won't go back, nor would I reccommend him - there are other good dentists out there - not that he cares.

I know this doctor: 5

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