Read Reviews for Dr. Jane Liu
I have been to this office for 5 years now. I love this place.
About Front Desk: very nice!
Front desk:
Hygiene rating:
About Hygienist: Great
Hygiene time: 60
My Experience: Dentures / Partials
Duration: 2 wks
I know this doctor: 5yrs
Agree 2
Disagree 0
Agree 2
Disagree 0
Best of the best. pain free and moderate fee. Treatment was a total success.
About Front Desk: very kind and helpful
Front desk:
Hygiene rating:
About Hygienist: very gentle and kind
Hygiene time: 60
My Experience: Bridge
Duration: 2 wks
Agree 2
Disagree 0
Agree 2
Disagree 0
Dr. Jane Liu did my crown for my fractured molar tooth. She treated me immediately the day after my accident. She was very efficient with her procedures. I trust her professional judgments and honesty. I highly recommend her to others.
About Front Desk: very friendly and smiles
About Hygienist: very friendly and gentle to my needs
Hygiene time: 20
I know this doctor: 2
Agree 3
Disagree 0
Agree 3
Disagree 0
Dr. Liu and her staff are excellent! She is very good at explaining treatment options and really provides top notch care. Her office is right on Thunderbird road and 57th which is very Convenient for me who works at Banner. Her office is state of the art and the staff is very welcoming. Best dentist in town!!!
I know this doctor: 5 years
Agree 3
Disagree 2
Agree 3
Disagree 2