Connect with Dr. Jo Winston DDS Dentist in Vancouver, WA

Dr. Jo Winston DDS - Dentist

2.0 based on 1 reviews

1 Rating out of 5 stars


Vancouver, WA

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Dr. Jo Winston Rating 2.0 stars based on 1 reviews $$
Comfortable Facilities
Poor Service
Painful Procedures
Poor Results
Moderate Cost
Read Reviews for Dr. Jo Winston
Review 1 by Stars: 2.0 on Link
Less than stellar dentist, grouchy chair side manners, regular assistant was patronizing kept calling me "honey' and "sweetie". told me the reason I had tooth pain was because of previous sinus problems (rediculious), would not redo her job. One of her colleges had to redo some of the work (another dentist) at dr winstons cost. She did a poor job of making crowns, fillings, kept making mistakes when administering aneshetic, all work done by this dentist on me, has failed and has either been redone or is waiting to be redone. I would hope to save someone else the pain and money I've gone through because of her.
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