Read Reviews for Dr. Michael Dumas
Dr Dumas is a great oral surgeon he has not only removed my tooth, but he has also treated my 2 daughters. His concern for his patients and their comfort is unbelievable. He takes the time to make sure you understand what is going to happen before treatment and what to expect after treatment.
His office called and check on my insurance before my consult appointment so I knew before I set any of our treatment appiontments how much I was expect to pony up.
My daughters are big babies when it comes to pain, but with him their only complaint was after the wisdom teeth were removed they could not eat what they wanted that night for dinner.
I am having a dental implant done by him and at first I was a little uneasy but he took the time to walk me through the steps and even showed me the actuall implant (which is small) and this has made me feel much better about my up coming procedure.
I know this doctor: 4 years
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This is the only dentist where I did NOT sweat. No pain, no after efffects, neat and tidy. But don't go looking for a father substitute
I know this doctor: 20 years
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Dr. Dumas removed my wisdom teeth about 1 yr ago. B/c of my exprience, I recently recommended him to my yngr bro. I had actually visited othr dctrs who tried to make me sign pprs when I had told them I still needed to discuss and make the decision with my parnts. Dr. Dumas and his staff did not try to pressure me in any wy in making any decisions. Unlike the othr doctr who used an informational VIDEo and left the room, Dr. Dumas and his staff relieved my anxiety by thoroughly going ovr the surgry procedures and answering all my questions. His staff was extrmly profssional and kind and I didn't feel like anothr faceless patient. Aftr the surgry, Dr. Dumas and his staff took care of me and even allowed me to sleep in his office for another hour until I was picked up. I even got a care package! Evry apsect of the procss frm pprwrk to the procdure to the follow up was absolutely outstnding. In fact, the office dealt with the insurnce and mde the pymnt process super easy and actually cheaper than what the other doctors were quoting. I I have Never felt so happy about my decision to do dntal work. This is why even a yr later my gratitude + respect for Dr. Dumas causes me to enthusiastically write him a revw he is more than worthy of
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