Read Reviews for Dr. Allan Fuhr
Smiling Patient
Dr. Allan Fuhr
on Dec. 14, 2017, 10:23 a.m.
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Unprofessional Asshole... Money hungry.. Unkept appearance.. Needs to retire..
About Front Desk: Feel sorry for them having to put up with him...
I know this doctor: Too damn long
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Dr. Fuhr placed an implant too high in my gums to be of any use. The implant was so misplaced that it could not be removed. Therefore I must have this alien piece of metal in my face forever.
It is also an infection hazard. As a result I lost all of my front teeth and I must now wear a bridge.
I have undergone one corrective surgery after another, for the past two and a half years, all at my own expense.
Dr. Fuhr kept the fact of his failed surgery from me. He kept telling me that all my pain was normal and to be expected.
I am told, but can't confirm, that others of his patients have had similar tragic results.
I would not recommend anyone to Dr. Fuhr's care.
I know this doctor: 5 years
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Dr Fuhr is an extremely competent and caring oral surgeon.He did an implant on me in 2001 with great success. He is caring and compassionate and very competent.As a physician who is a dental phobic,I am very concerned about pain relief and safety---of anesthesia and infection control .
All protocals for aenesthesia safety---staying with the patient until they are fully awake,monitoring Bp EKFG,pulse,blood oxygen levels--are done as they would be in a hospital.
I would go back to Dr Furst tommorrow /
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