Read Reviews for Dr. Vincent Perciaccante
Dr P. did my jaw surgery about two years ago. He is an excellent doctor, very nice and easy to talk to which is uncommon. The surgery went very well, was relativly painless and has greatly improved my ability to eat normally. I have no complaints whatsoever about this doctor.
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Dr. Perciaccante is wonderful! He did my jaw surgery 3 years ago and I have been in excellent shape since. He coordinated the orthodontics to prepare me for the surgery and the success of the treatment is just incredible. I used to have to wear a bite guard/splint all day to prevent my severe overbite from causing pain. Now, I sleep with it in most nights, but have absolutely no pain. It's amazing.
I know this doctor: 4 years
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very good concerned dr. very paitent oriented listens to what is said
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