Read Reviews for Dr. Demarcus Smith
Dr. Smith has performed 8 surgeries on me--6 major and 2 minor. He implanted computer designed artificial bilateral Temporal-Mandibular Joints in June, 1999. The numerous surgeries were necessary because of injury to my jaw joints received in a fall,1986, and the continued deterioration of the bones. I also had to have a 3 piece LaFort I procedure to reshape my top dentetition. He gave me back by own face and the abillity to chew which had been taken away by the fall. He is an outstanding doctor who is well trained, extremely knowledgeable, concerned, and personable.
I know this doctor: 22 years
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Dr Smith's office accepted me as a patient because of tremendous pain with 4 molars on short notice August 3rd, 2006. On September 15th, 2006, the teeth were surgically removed and I did not suffer any unexpected complications. I will recommend him to any person needing oral surgery.
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