Read Reviews for Dr. Thomas Adamson
I've been going to Dr. Adamson for 30 years. Top-notch. I'm going to have a heck of a time finding another one if and when he retires.
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After going to Dr. Adamson for 5 years and complaining of pain for the last two year, I got a cleaning from him before I changed dentists. Dr. Adamson said I had a tooth that might need work so I went to a different dentist shortly. The different dentists thought I had not been to a dentist in years because of the condition of my teeth. I needed scaling, had an abscess tooth and the from the stink and decay was estimated that it has been rotting for a couple of years and a root canal was done to save the tooth, I had another tooth that was bad enough to need a crown, I also had six cavities that needed filling. The tooth that he was concerned about was a filling. He said my hurting teeth were due to my smoking. I am thankful that I changed dentists.
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