My daughter had to get some caps done. When they gave her the sedation medicine, she spit most of it out. They said they will give her more once she was in the chair. When it was time to go back the doctor came out to take her back. (He was nice) but our daughter was screaming. They had loud music playing, (not very comforting) but we could still hear her screaming and crying. When I went back after being done, they wanted to talk before she saw me. (All I could hear is my baby screaming) they told me she will have marks on her face from the straps being tied down. Ok. When I could finally get to her she jumped so fast into my arms just crying. Her lip was bleeding and very swollen lips. We rushed out. Less then 24hours later we were in the ER because she wouldn't eat or drink. She had an infection. At this time our daughter was one year old. She is now terrified of dentist and every dentist frowns at the work done.