I have been taking both my daughters to see Dr. Simoneaux since they were little girls. One is no longer able to see him since she is now an adult but he gave us a very good recommendation to another dentist who has worked out perfectly. We have remained with Dr. Simoneaux for so long because he was the only fair and honest dentist that we found. When the girls were very young, we were pointed in the direction of another dentist who told me pretty much both of the girls baby teeth were riddled with cavities and the best thing to do was pull the rotten ones, of which I never saw any, and just let their permanent teeth come in. Because of my youngest daughter chipping a tooth in a fall, her PCP recommended Dr. Simoneaux who saw both girls and found no cavities in any of their baby teeth nor have they had one with their adult teeth. Wonderful and as I said honest man. Not trying to earn that all mighty dollar.