My parents took me to this pediatric dentist when I was younger. He did a good job with my brother, but was horrible with me. He told me I didn't need braces, but I was then told by 2 different cosmetic dentists that I did need them. I ended up having minor jaw problems, that would be getting worse if I hadn't had braces. My teeth were relatively straight in the front, but my bite was really off and had already started causing jaw jam. My problem was so bad I couldnt have the clear braces. I recieved braces when I was 16 and had them until I went to college. All of my prom and graduation pictures have braces in them, I spent my first year at college with braces, and it all could have been avoided if he had spotted this when most everyone has braces, in middle school. His staff was great, but definitly get other opinions when it comes to orthodontics. I felt humiliated because of my braces, for the same reasons many adults choose not to have braces.