When my daughter was old enough for her first dental appointment, we took her to Dr. Chan. I found him to be arrogant and unwilling to listen. My daughter was small and she was scared. Instead of trying to calm her down, he insisted that she was not scared, but was just being uncooperative. His solution was to have her held down while he came at her with the very instrument that she was frightened of.
She had never had an uncooperative day in her life. I shouldn't have listened to him, but I did. It was one of the worst mistakes I ever made. He could have asked my daughter. She was old enough to talk. He could have recognized that as a parent, I knew my daughter far better than he did, and I understood her reaction better. Yet he insisted that he knew better since he sees children all the time.
After that experience, my daughter was so frightened of going to the dentist that for years to come she had to be medically sedated whenever she had an appointment.
Needless to say, I never went back. Not that Dr. Chan even cared. Unlike other dentists, there was no follow up call and not even a reminder card after that suggesting a check up.
Dr. Chan is unquestionably the worst dentist I have ever seen in my life.