This dentist is doing unnecessary dental practices on children. She is systematically conducting deceptive trade practices.
We came in for two crowns. She sedated my son, then took additional xrays and told me he needed 4 more additional crowns. I had to make a rush decision to allow her to do this procedure. The office is manged like a factory. I had to flag down another dentist to review my xrays and tell me why he needed these crowns.
Within 3 months 2 of the crowns came out. Two other dentists reviewed his xrays and determined he needed filings. She did not advise me of any alternatives and did not advise me of affects that having crowns.
She is systematically conducting deceptive trade. This area is of different socioeconomic backgrounds. The area in which she directly practices is low income. I bring this up because many are unknowingly receiving unnecessary dental work and poor service. In a community that needs her and most importantly by accepting a Code of Ethics as a dentist she is simply robbing the community. She is skipping all other procedures that could be done.
She is not a dentist that can be trusted. Please get a second opinion before allowing her to complete dental work on your child.