I cannot say enough about how well Dr. Brad and his staff treated my 2 year old dtr. We were advised by a local pediatric dentist that she needed to have surgery (general anesthesia) to put 4 caps on her front teeth. My gut told me this was overkill, as the nursing caries she had were, even according to the local dentist, "mild decay". I knew I had to have a second opinion, so by the grace of God I found Dr. Brad. We drove about 100 miles to Memphis for a consult, and he advised that we FILL three nursing caries, which could be done in his office. He agreed that caps were totally unnecessary. I was a nervous wreck prior to our consultation, feeling guilty about the caries and worried about putting my baby under anesthesia. He totally put my husband and me at ease, and assured us these fillings could be done in the office with little to no pain for my baby. We returned yesterday, and as promised, she breezed right through the procedure. No pain at all. We were in the office a total of one hour. The actual procedure took only about 10-15 minutes. When we left she was alert, pleasant, and able to have lunch.
Her teeth look great. I truly believe Dr. Brad has the best interest of his little patients in mind!