Dr. James is the absolute BEST pediatric dentist I've ever had for my son, who is now 10 years old. His team is always so happy and nice. He is proactive about dental care and puts a lot of emphasis on having good, healthy eating habits as well as brushing and/or flossing habits, as these all contribute to good dental health. My son loves to go to the dentist because the entire place revolves around children. Dr. Bob does all of the dental exams and he dresses up as a different cartoon character every day. There is a little video arcade as well as face painting. The entire facility is extremely clean, bright, and colorful. All of the seats and equipment are sized for children. When my son got sealants (done by Dr. Elkins), the room he was in had a great relaxing view out of an enormous picture window and he got to watch cartoons while they did the work. One of my favorite things is that Dr. Bob also has an orthodontist (Dr. Childers) who works with him and Dr. Elkins in the same building. Dr. Childers keeps an eye on my son's teeth as he grows so that he can let me know early on about the potential for necessary orthodontics work in the future (braces in my son's case). It is a very proactive approach and I love it!