My entire life, I neglected my teeth. Over time, I lost a few and many were simply hanging on. I came to Dr. Fiori a few years ago with missing teeth, infections, pain, bad breath and bleeding gums. While under his care, I have since had an extraction or two (I can't remember), root planing, gum surgery and laser to save the teeth I have. Recently, I had two implants. After 10 years, thanks to Dr. Fiori and his staff, I am finally able to chew again on my right side! I finally met someone who didn't judge me but wanted to help me. To this day, he doesn't judge me. Every dentist I have been to, has; But Dr. Fiori doesn't - He has a positive attitude: "We can do this... We can do that..." And he can truly fix anything.
Along with any patient leaving as I walk in, or one checking in as I leave, we are all treated as family.