This doctor and his staff are extremely unprofessional . Even though I had a valid preauthorization through my insurance, I was asked to pay $75 for the visit rather than the $20 co-pay indicated on my insurance documents. When I asked that my insurance company be contacted to resolve this discrepancy, the staff person said that they only have one phone line and that she could not tie it up. I offered my cell phone to her, which she refused. I then called my insurance company using my cell phone, which I had to plug in because it was low on battery. I was told that Dr. Kaplan was not comfortable with me charging my phone and was asked to unplug it from charging. My battery lasted long enough to record a conversation that I had with Dr. Kaplan and to talk with my insurance company, who verified that my insurance was valid and called the doctor's office directly. The insurance company was now told that I did not have the appropriate xrays, even though I had all of the xrays that my referring dentist's office recently took. In discussing this matter with Dr. Kaplan, he clearly became irritated and was condescending. I've scheduled an appt with a different periodontist. DO NOT TRUST THIS DOCTOR OR HIS STAFF!