Review by
Smiling Patient
My implants were removed almost almost immediately after being placed in my mouth when we had a disagreement about cost. (Tarnow himself raised the price for the entire job after the work had been completed.) I was at that time suddenly told the implants had not worked and they were removed from my mouth one by one. To add insult to tremendous injury, neither Dennis Tarnow nor his associate Jon Zamzok removed the bridge they had made to fit over the (now removed) implants so it could be remade to fit (sans the implants) and all my teeth rotted under that ill-fitting bridge. Of course, I did not learn this until years later and it was much too late to sue. The surgeon who removed the bridge years later was horrified. I did not tell him who had done the work right away since I knew that they were associates. (Tarnow's patients were referred to this surgeon for surgical consults.)
I try to behave humanely in the world; Tarnow's group is an example for me of the importance of not letting ego and greed rule your life. "Physicians" should do no harm.