He is possibly the most overated dmd in Boston due to his connection with the head guy at Tufts Gelb TMJ Center. Lots of tmj patients are funneled to him, so beware! He constantly talks (he just LOVES to expound) and doesn't listen. He is unnecessarily aggressive in his treatment approach, and rushes everything so he can keep the money conveyor belt well lubed. Expect him to root canal every tooth he works on. If you want to be talked down to and treated like you're worthless (and believe me, you will have no net worth at all once he's done with you...he charges $500 an hour, even to fix his OWN mistakes)., then Devitre is the dentist for you. I'm out $125K, and I'm probably going to lose my teeth as the result. TMJ patients take note: Devitre may be a decent, (but AGGRESSIVE) prosthodontist for non-tmj people, but he is no more advanced in his tmj diagnosis/treatment/occlusal work than your run-of-the mill dentist. He uses the same old theories, which work for a few, but not for many, and if he fails you, he'll tell you that tmj is incurable, so go see a shrink and stay on drugs the rest of your life (gee, why didn't you tell me that BEFORE you ruined my teeth and took all my money?)