Review by
DentalHell-in-San Jose
He recommended front vaneers, but only after I fix my bottom teeth, because my bite was causing the inpropper wearing on the front upper teeth.
I went along, even though my bottom teeth did not seem crooked. I had braces as a teen for many years.
6 months later, he grinds down 6 of my upper front teeth. I was left to look this way for two weeks. Then the 6 vaneers went on. Less than a week, and one of the front came off. He put on a hidious caked on temp. A week later, he is re applying, and the other front one came off. After cring for 20 mins, i allowed him to grind down the front two (because the re-attached had a 50/50 chance of coming off) and he put ugly temps on, and two weeks later, put full crowns on the front two teeth. Within a week, he made me buy a mouth gaurd. Blaming my bite. Why did we do the othrodontics then? And a week later, a third out of 6, came off. I went to another dentist. Guess what! Beautiful temps, and new vaneers that stay on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't go to Dr. Choi! He is refusing to give me my money back!