I found Dr. Popli's office though a referral of a co-worker. I was very unhappy with my font tooth due to a slight discoloration. I 1st went to Dr. Popli for a regular cleaning which was great. At the cleaning he recommended a veneer for my tooth. He told me that insurance companies sometime will not pay for a veneer but he would submit the paperwork to see what they would cover. To my surprise within a month his assistant called me back and said that my insurance would pay up to 60% for the veneer. Of course this was exciting news for me... So I thought... I then went though the process of getting half of my tooth chopped off and he gave me a temporary and said I needed to go for a match of my tooth color and after that it would take 3-4 weeks before the veneer would be ready. By week 2 I still hadn't heard from anyone about coming in to have my tooth matched. By then I had an allergic reaction to whatever he gave me and the temporary he put in my mouth. I had to go to the ER! When I called his office to tell him what was going on his assistant was very rude and nasty. She told me that Dr. Popli said I needed to seek medical attention if I was having any type of complications.