Read review posted by JARB on Oct. 13, 2011, 10:37 a.m. for Dr. Douglas Hauck - Dentist

Dr. Douglas Hauck DOCTOR - Dentist

3.0 based on 1 reviews

Rating out of 5 stars

Newport Beach, CA

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Review by Stars: 3.0 on Link
Be wary. Dental operation is good but heavy on the dental upsell tactics for cosmetic procedures. The upfront pay procedure is the problem especially if you have inusrance. They will charge you upfront and then put the onus on you to chase them for the difference between the upfront payment made and the differential paid by the insurance company. These dolalrs are not insignificant. They paid on one but when it dawned on them that we moved out of town and were no longer patients they decided we had some long outstanding balance (we didn't) and did some accounting rain dance and called us all square. Too difficult and and costly to file a small claim for less than $1,000 so we lose.

I know this doctor: two years

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