I saw Dr. Rayo every 6 months for about 20+ years for cleanings, cavities and crowns and thought he was a good dentist. The last time I went in for the 6 month cleaning, he probably would have said everything was okay, except I voiced concern about receeding gumlines and a front tooth slightly loose. Since he "had never taken a full mouth x-ray" of my mouth he did so and told me I might lose my teeth. He suggested just to continue flossing, brushing and mouthwash; invisaline and fastening the two front teeth from behind. He said I could still lose my teeth. Luckily I got a second opinion. At that appointment, the new dentist found that 2 cavities had started under old fillings (undetected by Mr. Rayo) and I was sent for peridontal treatment. I responded very well to the periodontal treatment - something Rayo did not even mention. The periodontist said that no matter how much you floss, brush and rinse, it would have never gotten close to the trouble spots. Those overlooked cavities turned into root canal & crown jobs, one of which the endodontic file broke off inside the tooth. This molar now has to be removed. I am really mad about this. Dr. Rayo has cost me thousands of dollars. DON'T GO TO RAYO