1. Dr. Kitzmiller put 8 veneers and 2 inlays on my top and bottom front teeth and I have had problems with them since then. Several times/yr, one of the 4 bottom veneers falls off; my current dentist explained that too much of the permanent tooth was removed, leaving only the dentin. Veneer adhesive is designed to work with enamel, but does not adhere well to dentin. This has caused embarrassment, great inconvenience, and $$.
2. Part of my agreement also included replacing all upper silver fillings with porcelain fillings; Dr. Kitzmiller tried to claim that this was not part of the agreement. Because I had the procedure in writing, had paid for it, and a powerpoint presentation showing the "before/after" treatment, he had to replace the fillings.
3. My contract included a temporary set of teeth for the lowers to be worn between drilling down the bottom teeth and being fitted with the final veneers. I never received the bottom temporary and Dr. Kitzmiller claimed "that he had never had a problem with this lab before."
4. Dr. Kitzmiller's waiting room contained notebooks filled with before and after photos of patients with veneers giving the impression those were his patients; it became obvious, I believe, they were not