I wish I had not seen her or let her treat my teeth. She insisited to have a crown for a tooth with fillings saying it can be broken at any time and it must have deep cavity inside so that I cannot even have a crown later. Even if I told her I am fine with tooth with no problems at all, she set up a date for a crown. So I decided to follow a professional's opinion. After I had a crown and new fillings for neighboring teeth, I had a horrible pain. She prescribed me painkillers and anti-biotic, then she referred me to a specialist for root canal treatment. I had a crown not to have any more problems, but I have more problems now. Her attitudes is like "take pills for pains, still pains?, take more pills, still pains? go remove root canal what is a big deal"
Dr. Cho, my teeth was fine before I walked into your office, now I am suffering from pains, cannot drink cold or hot drink, cannot eat sweet food. So your money is more important than patient. I hope you have zero patient soon, so that you will look for other job with which you cannot harm other people for your money.