A root canal and crown procedure was performed. Dr. Perrino
recommended materials NOT COVERED BY INSURANCE without giving proper disclosure of that likelihood of additional cost for that particular choice. Paid $600 of our own up front. Still, despite having TWO insurance policies, and submitting both policy's info, his office staff would only file one and hounded us for the unpaid balance which included the uncovered inflated materials. While having time to pursue us and even threatening legal action for another $400 not covered by the 1st policy, his staff didn't have time to simply file the 2nd claim. And our 2nd policy REQUIRED submission from the dentist due to sign-offs and detail as to services rendered. But they relentlessly stood fast on this one-policy effort and the rest was up to us leaving us caught between insurance company and their refusal to simply fill out a form. Had they not used inflated materials, that one insurance policy may have been enough. In the end, paid $1000 out-of-pocket despite having TWO coverages. Our complaint centers on 1) failure to disclose pertinent info about cost of options by the dentist himself, and 2) poor customer service of his staff.