Review by
Smiling Patient
I recently changed dental providers due to a change in insurance, and selected Dr Spencer. I had a dental cleaning, and he recommended a crown due to a large filling and fractures in my tooth. The first step of the crown procedure was a bit time consuming, and I've been waiting well over a month for the permanent crown. We are going out of town for Christmas, and if this isn't remedied in the next 2 days, I'll be waiting another 2 weeks. Everyone I've ever talked to said this process usually takes 7-10 days, and this extended time has been very uncomfortable and frustrating. I've paid up front and have little negotiating power. I'm at their mercy.
Otherwise, the office is very outdated and low budget. Equipment is very dated. They use paper towels instead of drapes. The hygienist was young and pleasant, but seemed exceeding new at her job. The dentist is older, and talks incessantly about his personal matters (a friend diagnosed with cancer, and a funeral he' s attending this evening). They use a very hard sell technique on dental appliances. The phone often rings without an answer and it's been difficult to reach anyone by telephone on nearly every occasion I've called. I'm changing dentists the moment this is resolved.