I have very small teeth. I used to go to Western Dental, because i had no dental insurance and no transportation. They drilled my tooth down so far, my crown would not ever stay on. I was recommended to Dr. Pico by a co-worker, and I have had him as a dentist for at least 3 years now. Dr. Pico fixed my crown, as well as did all of the other work that was required. One time, one of my front teeth was hit with a raquetball raquet during a game, and i had to go in for an emergency. It only took Dr. Pico about 25 minutes to get there, and he successfully fixed my tooth right away, thank god! Needless to say, I have been very happy with Dr. Pico, he really knows what he is doing. Very nice facility as well. The receptionist always remembered me as well. In addition, this doctor also worked out a payment plan for my sister, who had no dental insurance at the time, which was really helpful. Not the cheapest of all dentists, but as I have learned, you cannot necesarily go for the cheapest and expect great work.