I have been a patient of Dr. Trieu for 10 years and that is for good reason. She is the best at what she does. I feel like she takes care of my teeth as she does her own. Dr. Trieu deliberately sees fewer patients than other dentists because she does not want to compromise speed for quality care. She also has a very data oriented approach as she keeps detailed notes about the condition of my teeth for better follow up and tracking over time. Every experience I have had has been great and she has the same enthusiasm for her work as someone just starting in the field.
Not only is she a great dentist but she also come to know my whole family and what we have been doing in our lives. She also knows that I don't like ice cold water sprayed on my gums due to sensitivity and not to tilt the chair back too far. She is always conscious of my preferences. She has a great sense of humor and yes is a bit quirky but all the more reason to love her as a real person.
I'm about to relocate out of Orange County and dread having to find another dentist in my new city who can measure up to Dr. Trieu.