My upper teeth were all crowned. It involved some root canal work. Dr Davidson brought in someone who specialized in this area, to do that work. Whilst the crowns were being made, I had "temporary" crowns, which had to removed sometimes, in order to complete the work before the permanent ones were placed. My lower teeth were levelled, filled (white) where appropriate. I was made a removable bridge to fill spaces in the lower teeth. It was a serious amount of work and was completed over a six week period in 1988. I live in the UK and heard Dr Davidson was the best, I was not disappointed I have kept appointments over the years, as I did not trust anyone to upset his great work. And I still do not. It was worth every cent. I still intend to visit his office in the near future, to maintain my teeth. Obviously living in another country, it is not always so simple. I still regard him as "my dentist" and trust him completely. I did suffer some pain but was always given adequate pain relief and was reassured at all times. The hygienist is excellent. Costs are not exessive. The office is spotlessly clean, with efficient, friendly staff. I don't think I am the only overseas patient Dr Davidson has. I think that says it all.