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For years I avoided going to ANY dentist out an extreme fear of dentists and dentistry - especially Novocain shots! These shots alone kept me away from any dentist for decades! I only finally sought out a dentist when I *had* to, having heard my doctor propose: to "have all of your teeth pulled out and to get dentures!"
I discovered Dr Makhani through the recommendation of a mutual acquaintance. and have been with him for several years now. He is the very first dentist to make me feel comfortable about having dental work done. My fear of Novocain shots and dental pain has all but vanished. I no longer experience the pain that I was always so fearful of for so many years that kept me away from the dentist. Dr Makhani is always gentle, and as he works, he checks in to see how I am doing and if I am comfortable. He walks me through the steps of what he's going to do, makes it easy for me to understand, and helps to make me feel always at ease. Do I *love* going to ANY dentist? Does anyone? No, of course not! BUT if Dr Makhani were to retire, I'd be back to square one with my fear of dentistry and finding another dentist with whom I trust as much as Dr Makhani.