Review by
Smiling Patient
Dr. Lee-
I just wanted to compliment a couple of people on your staff. Last week I had a challenge and needed to see you right away. It was spring break and you were away but a couple of of people on your team came to my rescue. I was so impressed that Jennifer called me back and was able to accomodate my needs. She also gave me choices and was able to set an appt for me with another dentist per my request. She even offered to come in and meet with me at your office to see what she could do. I also received a call from Donna who graciously was willing to take a call or email from me even though it was probably her day off and she was simply in the office catching up on paperwork.
I was so impressed with your team that I had to share this with you. I have been a Realtor/Broker for 18 years and my success has been on customer care and immediate service.
I see that you run your business in a similar fashion and I wanted to congratulate you and let you know that I noticed this in my time of need.
Please let Jennifer and Donna know that they did go beyond the call of duty. It is so refreshing to see that you have a well oiled machine!
Kimberly Johnston