I have been scared of dentists, growing up in Europe, where they only give shots when doing extractions, but not for fillings/cavities.
Went to Dr. Heidner's office first in 2003 (with dental insurance), since he was next door where i worked...several cavities, a tooth partially broken away, crown, cleaning etc....he came through for me (and with little pain).
Next 2004 ....root canal, cleaning, crown, etc. (no dental insurance) - he did a great job in a short time and at reasonable cost. .Now, through my own neglegt ( no insurance), NOT listening to their recomendations and not scheduling follow-ups, periotontitis, 10 teeth need to be pulled and partials put in, he is coming through for me again and at a more then reasonable cost.
4 weeks prior to scheduling appt. with him and after researching the "internet", went to a Mexican Dentist in TJ with "excellent references", recommended also by friend (who is still not finished with treatment).He scared me (his "proposed treatment" involves 8 months treatmt incl. 4 1/2 Hrs. under general anesthesia in foreign country though implants not suitable for me because of bone loss) .& .more expensive then Dr. Heidner....so no thank you to Tijuana..will stay with Dr. Heidner...