Read review posted by TD on Dec. 29, 2010, 1:21 p.m. for Dr. Claudia Cortadi - Dentist

Dr. Claudia Cortadi DDS Ablantis Dental - Dentist

3.5 based on 4 reviews

Rating out of 5 stars

Encinitas, CA

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Review by Stars: 2.0 on Link
I went to Dr. Cortadi because a new insurance I had didn't allow me to see my normal dentist of 10 years. Her front office is nice, and the receptionists are very nice, but once you walk back to the rooms, it gets a bit odd. All of the rooms are open, so I could see other patients with their mouths open as I walked by. Also, I had very good x-rays done by my other dentist, who is phenomenal, forwarded to her, and she completely disregarded them, failed to take her own x-rays, only took surface photos, and very quickly poked around to tell me I had random "areas" that should be watched or that had decay. She didn't make me feel as if I could trust her conclusions. All in all, I ended up going back to my old dentist and paid for 3 fillings out of pocket because it was more worth it to me than to get treatment from her. I will not go back. Also, I got a bill a month later for an office visit which was paid by my insurance. It seems as if they just wanted to get more money from me.

I know this doctor: 2 months

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