Over all, great service and workmanship.
Cheap? Sorry, dentistry isn't "cheap" anywhere (although, admittedly, I've never been to Mexico and Britain doesn't bother).
Facilities...."like a spa"? Uh, no. But it does look an awful lot like a clean, professionally run and equipped dental office. Still, there wasn't a speck of mold to be found! Go figure...
Customer service: Outstanding, of course. But then, if it wasn't, they'd be fired, right? (They look good, too, guys)
Pain, etc.? Nah....I usually fall asleep and wake up with drool running down my neck. Just kidding - apparently, someone even wipes that away while I'm snoring. Seriously, though, novocain is my friend....and Dr. Rubino "gets it right" the first time, every time. If there's anything I can't stand (scares the hell out of me), it's getting an electric shot of pain while a drill is screaming in my mouth. Seems Dr. Rubino doesn't like it either; I have never had that "unnerving" experience while there (thank you, sir).
Treatment success? Well, excellent, of course! (See comments on "Customer Service") I've had root canals, crowns and an entire front/top bridge done there.....never painful, and I can smile and bite again (thank you again, Dr, Rubino)
Over all good
I know this doctor: Decades