My family and I just moved to DC area and we were ref to DrH by a friend. He ended up being the best. My daughters have lots of cavities and DrH decided to only fill the ones that are the worst and "watch" the rest. He strongly belives that cavities- if they are not too advanced- can be hardned. He gave the girls a long talk about their mouth and even gave them brush/floss class at no charge! he gave up his time to teach my teenagers a little about keeping their mouth clean and healthy! who deos that for free now days?- I'm in love with my new dentist! Ihope DrH takes care of his bad back and his gallbladder so taht we have him for a LONG time!
I will refer him to many more of my friends! Keep up the good work DrH! I love it when Bessie emails me, CCs my husband and daughters about appointments- it works out great!
About Hygienist: The hygienist at DrH is great! My daughter was behing and she was able to accomodate her! her front desk staffis also great, they were ablke to reach the next patient ASAP and got my daughter in.