I was very pleased with the service from Dr Welch. He explains everything. For my #3 molar root canal there was no pain during and no pain after at all.
Appointments were not a problem to make. If you leave a msg he gets back to you right away. He takes late in the day appointments, like 400p too. Thats rare for big jobs.
Best of all he was covered by my dental plan. MOST endodontists DONT take your insurance. My dental coverage is probably the most widely used in Atlanta. Yet there was only one inside the perimeter (ITP) , Dr Welch on the plan!!! Had I gone to the Endodontist my dentist sent me too it would have cost me about 400% more!!! Of course each and every dental plan is different and yours might be completely different than mine. Fortunately he was on my metlife plan.
So if you are shopping around dont hesitate to go to Dr Welch.